Salt Hill publishes poetry, prose, translations, essays, interviews, and artwork.
Reading Periods
We have two submission periods for fiction, non-fiction, and poetry:
- July through August
- December through January
General Guidelines
We accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that you alert us as soon as possible if your work is placed elsewhere by either adding a note to your submission through Submittable or withdrawing the full submission.
We ask that you do not send more work until hearing back from us.
Due to the volume of submissions, we can’t respond individually to submission status queries.
Genre-Specific Guidelines
Poetry: Please submit no more than five poems at a time.
Fiction/Nonfiction: Please do not submit works of more than 30 pages, double-spaced. We accept multiple flash pieces, so long as their combined length does not exceed 30 pages.
Art: We are interested in 2D art—drawings, paintings, photography, mixed media, documentation of 3D art, typographic art, diagrams, maps, etc. Please email low-res jpegs of your work, or links to specific pieces (not a general website) you would like to submit, to Please include a cover letter with a short biography, as well as a title/image list for all work submitted.
Banner image: Mwanel Pierre-Louis, "Ms. Pacman," from Salt Hill 46
We accept a wide-range of creative nonfiction. Currently, we are especially interested in memoir and essay forms. Please do not send us work that exceeds 30 pages before querying us first. We only print previously unpublished work. Please do not send more work until you have received a response from us.
We allow simultaneous submissions, but please withdraw your work if it's accepted elsewhere.
We are interested in unpublished 2D art—drawings, paintings, photography, mixed media, documentation of 3D art, typographic art, diagrams, maps, etc. We are especially interested in black-and-white work at the moment, but welcome art of all colors, shapes and stripes. Please email low-res jpegs of your work, or links to specific pieces (not a general website) you would like to submit, to Please include a cover letter with a short biography, as well as a title/image list for all work submitted.